
Unfortunately, 随着美国感染COVID-19的人数不断增加, 全国各地的医院都挤满了病人和访客. 这种高需求使得停车管理问题的增加,可以很容易地解决 parking management company.

人们常常把代客泊车与奢侈的体验联系在一起,比如 parking management services in Los Angeles. However, 一家提供代客服务的医院与其说是一种奢侈,不如说是一种必需品. Additionally, 代客服务在几个方面促进了生意,对医院和医疗中心尤其有利.

What Are The Advantages Of Hospital Valet?

Using parking management services 这是帮助控制医院和医疗中心交通流量的理想方法吗. 这保证了车辆不会陷入瓶颈,特别是在紧急情况下. Continue reading to find out more benefits of hospital valet from a parking management company.

It’s Excellent For Patients

由于老年人的比例,医院有特殊的停车要求, disabled, and mobility impaired guests being assisted. 尽管医院可能有很多无障碍停车位, 总是有病人的来访很有挑战性,因为他们必须自己停车.

这些困难可能源于在停车场或车库中导航的压力,因为人们必须从无障碍停车位穿过额外的距离才能到达门口. 这就是为什么医院男仆为医院的病人和客人减少了许多问题的原因.


  • 帮助老人或行动不便的客人下车前往医院/医疗中心.

  • 一个热情的欢迎和正确方向的帮助,取代了寻找停车位时造成的压力.

  • Gets rid of the painful walk from the self-parking area.

  • Harmonizes with hospital staff to help patients who require extra help.

  • 提供有用的信息,例如医院/医疗中心的方向.

  • 当病人或客人准备离开时,车辆是否在等待. 这是通过使用文本车辆检索或来自任何医院或医疗中心管理团队的基于网络的车辆请求来实现的.

  • 增加了自助停车位的数量,因为代客泊车车停在离设施入口更远的地方.

It is Ideal For Operations

When patients are on time for their medical appointments, the more procedures can flow better and faster. When a hospital employs a parking management company for valet service, 显然,它不能确保所有的病人都能准时到达, however, they can help to make sure that everything moves along a lot smoother.

Furthermore, when patients know that logistics are simple, 他们不太可能因为担心事情所花费的时间和他们将忍受的麻烦而错过约会.

代客服务人员能有效地为病人指出正确的方向, which makes the whole arrival process effortless, and the hospital is in an advantageous position to operate better.

Ideally, 医院或任何其他类型的医疗中心应该与外部代客服务提供商签约, instead of trying to make a valet service an internal managed process. 这确保了操作人员专注于他们所擅长的工作. 而专业的医院代客服务则负责管理停车,降低风险.

It Is Superb For Other Patients And Guests

当你排除那些试图寻找停车位的慌乱的病人所驾驶的车辆时, traffic moves better in lots and garages. As mentioned prior, there are more available spaces near entrances, 让选择自助停车的个人能够更方便地这样做.

When a medical facility has limited parking, 医院代客服务将通过分析停车位分配和增加可用停车位来确保病人和客人始终可用停车位.

It Is Good For Business

当一家医疗机构提供医院代客泊车服务时,它向病人和客人表明了他们对他们的关心. Since it makes their arrivals and departures enjoyable and hassle-free, which creates a superior overall impression and patient experience. 当压力和潜在的停车困难被消除, it creates a massive difference and is very much appreciated.


医院代客泊车是一项便利的服务,为医疗中心和社区提供了巨大的优势. Occasionally, when people arrive at a hospital, they are in a rush, trying to visit family and friends, require emergency care, or have a scheduled appointment or for other reasons.

When you consider all these factors, 这是相当可以理解的,当面对所有这些压力时,人们最不想考虑的事情就是他们要把车停在哪里. 医院代客服务是为了减轻那些已经有太多事情要担心的人的额外压力.

Furthermore, 医院代客泊车的另一个明显优势是为残疾人提供帮助. Because there are many people who require help, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals are time and time again becoming understaffed.

A valet service can help with transporting patients. At a majority of hospitals, valet attendants are trained in helping with wheelchairs, oxygen equipment, walkers, and other requirements a patient might have.

Normally, 医院的代客服务通常经验丰富,训练有素,能提供最好的客户体验. They will open and close doors, lead patients and guests to the correct department, 告诉客人该去哪里,并帮忙提行李. Also, 一个高素质的医院代客泊车员对身体有限制的人来说是一个很好的帮助.

Last, but certainly not least, 医院代客泊车的一大好处是,这些服务可以在医疗中心之外签订合同. 例如,医院代客泊车服务通常不需要医院提供额外资金. 资金来自服务本身,所以额外的费用不会增加到医院.


How Do You Hire The Best Valet Company For Parking Management Services?